Student nurses and the learning curve: what you need to know
Every nurse can remember what the first few weeks of real-life experience on the floor were like. Usually, those first days, weeks and months were fraught with anxiety, stress, imposter syndrome and small mistakes that felt huge at the time.
Nearly every profession involves a learning curve that, although important, can be painful and difficult to get through – and nursing is no exception. That being said, there are a number of steps thatevery student nurse can take before stepping onto the floor to limit their anxiety.
Education and training
The right education and training for nursing can make a world of difference. When selecting a nursing program to pursue, prospective nurses should research the course offerings, training and professional career support thatevery program offers its student nurses.
The Wilkes University faculty are highly trained and experienced in the nursing field. They have both the professional and academic experience needed to be effective and engaging teachers. The Wilkes University faculty is also supported by school administrators and counsellors. Admissions and support counsellors are indispensable because they can help prospective and current students learn about career opportunities, course load management, and study skill resources.
The importance of placements and experience
There is nothing like real-world experience, and this also applies to nursing! When looking for a nursing program, it is worth looking for onethat prioritizes placements on hospital or clinic floors. These placements provide student nurses with a great deal of real-world experience with both patient management and healthcare.
During your placement, you should try to make the most out of the experience. Do not be afraid to ask all of the questions you have or to try new things. You should try to throw yourself into the experience by shadowing staff in roles you are interested in, asking all of the questions you can think of, and just generally engaging with the work as much as possible.
At this point in time, self-care has been used so often in advertising, media and everything else in between that it is in danger of losing its meaning. However, self-care is essential for preparing for the nursing learning curve and getting through the first few months of training.
Taking care of yourself by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and making time for yourself are all great ways to take care of yourself and get prepared for upcoming challenges. Making sure that you are feeling healthy, prepared, and ready both mentally and physically can have a big, positive impact on your performance and how you feel.
It is also worth making the time to consider your anxieties, pressures, stresses and fears, and to learn about how you can manage them in a healthy, productive way. Perhaps for you, journaling works best, or maybe morning meditations, a skincare routine, or a morning run a few times a week is helpful. Regardless of what it is, it is important to learn about yourself and how you can face upcoming challenges.
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